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Jefferson City, MO

JCMG Surgery Center

In 1993, a group of doctors formed Jefferson City Medical Group with the mission to serve Jefferson City and Mid-Missouri families, using a collaborative approach to healthcare. Independent of other healthcare systems, their focus was on preventative and patient-focused care with convenience, privacy, and a commitment to high quality. Nearly 30 years later, JCMG’s multi-specialty group, remains an active, physician owned local business, and has become one of the largest employers in Jefferson City.

On April 5th, 2022, JCMG’s brand new, freestanding, state-of-the-art, 28,000 square foot Surgery Center on West Edgewood Drive opened its doors. It provides families with convenient, affordable, high-quality care. Featuring 3 procedure rooms, 4 operating rooms, 12 pre-op rooms, 14 post-op rooms, 2 extended care suites, and covered exits and entrances, this facility offers an extensive list of surgical procedures now available for the first time to our community in an outpatient, rather than hospital, setting.

This expanding healthcare footprint means adding to the 100+ health care providers currently serving JCMG’s 70,000+ annual patients across more than 30 specialties. JCMG continues to invest in next generation technology offering expanded high tech diagnostic capabilities including new Ultrasound, CT Scanning with AI capabilities and MRI Services. Ongoing recruitment of new surgeons and providers, adding investments in new technology, and increasing healthcare opportunities allows JCMG to serve a wider range of families and communities than ever before.

Patient Pre-Surgery Information

Gastroenterology (GI) Instructions

Patient Acknowledgement of Receipt of Information

Pre-Operative Instructions

Advance Directive Notification

Patient Right & Responsibilities

Patient Complaints or Suggestions

Ownership Disclosure

Protections Against Surprise Billing

The JCMG Surgery Center has been serving Jefferson City and the surrounding area since 1998. In the first 10 years, over 40,000 procedures have been performed. The JCMG Surgery Center is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care and provides efficient, high quality professional surgical services in a friendly environment. The center follows guidelines provided by Medicare certification with an ongoing quality assurance program.

The JCMG Surgery Center staff is trained in all aspects of surgical care from pediatrics to senior citizens. Today more than 70% of surgeries in the United States are performed in an outpatient setting.

At this time online bill payment is not available for the JCMG Surgery Center. We are working on adding this convenient payment method for our patients. Please check back.

Surgeries that can be performed in the JCMG Surgery Center:

AbdominoplastyEar TubesLaryngoscopyShoulder Arthroscopy
AbscessesEGDLesionsSinus & Septoplasty
AdenoidectomyFissuresLipomasSkin Cancer Excision
AppendixFistulasLiposuctionTemporal Artery Biopsy
Breast AugmentationFracturesLumbar EpiduralTendon Repairs
Breast ReductionGanglion CystsMediportsThyroid
Carpal Tunnel ReleaseHammer ToeMuscle BiopsyTotal Joint Replacement
CholecystectomyHemorrhoidectomyNerve RepairsTrigger Finger
ColonoscopyHernia RepairOophorectomyTubal Ligation
Cubital TunnelHidradenitisPilonidal CystUterine Ablation
Cyst RemovalKnee ArthroscopyRectal BleedingVasectomy

Specialists in the areas of ENT and sinus surgery, gastroenterology, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, orthopaedics, plastic surgery, and podiatry perform procedures at the center.

The JCMG Surgery Center is owned by its practicing physicians and therefore have a financial interest in the Surgery Center. It is your right to choose where to have your procedure performed.

JCMG provides full anesthesia services by licensed anesthesiologists and partnered with experienced CRNAs.

It is your responsibility to check with your insurance provider regarding co-pays, deductibles, co-insurance, and pre-certification requirements. All co-pays and outstanding deductibles will be collected prior to surgery.

Currently, the JCMG Surgery Center has a patient satisfaction score of 99%.

This is a score provided to us by feedback received from patient surveys. We encourage each patient to return the Patient Satisfaction Survey to let us know how we can better serve you.

What Patients are Saying About the JCMG Surgery Center

“My experience was what I expected – excellent. This is not my first trip and not my last. Keep up the great job.”

“Thank you for being so nice and for checking on me after surgery.”

“The entire experience was very positive and the care received was excellent from start to finish. Thanks everyone!!!”

“Wonderful caring people. Helen was my first person to deal with and she was very caring and professional. Great doctors and nurses too! I felt very confident they knew what they were doing and I could put my trust in them and be at peace that they’d do their very best for me.”

“Your facility is more convenient than going to the hospital facility. The atmosphere was very positive and private. The staff was excellent. They treated me with respect and I appreciate that very highly. Overall it’s a “great” facility to go to. Thank you!”

“I would like to thank the doctors, nurses and staff for my way better than expected experience at JCMG. Everyone there made me feel relaxed and comfortable.”

“This was the best care I have every had. The nurses were so kind and helpful and concerned.”

Complaints or Suggestions

Reach out to the Surgery Center Director for any complaints or suggestions:
Surgery Center Director
3520 West Edgewood Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 556-5716

Or you can reach out to MO DHSS:
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-1588