Patient Rights & Responsibilities
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Your Rights as a Patient
- You have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.
- You have the right to receive care without regard to age, color, disability, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
- You have a right to confidentiality of all records and communications regarding your medical history and health care to the extent provided by law.
- You have the right to request and receive information about your diagnosis and treatment from your health care provider.
- You have the right to choose an Advance Directive to designate the kind of care you wish to receive should you be unable to express your wishes. Your right to make decisions about health care does not mean that you can demand treatment and services that are medically inappropriate or unnecessary.
- You may refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law. It is our responsibility to discuss with you the possible results of your refusal.
- You have the right to proper assessment and management of pain.
- You have the right to receive information necessary to give Informed Consent prior to the beginning of any procedure and/or treatment, except for emergency situations.
- You have the right to effective communication within a JCMG facility.
- You have the right to be informed of, and refuse to participate in, any experimental or research treatment.
- You have a right to receive an itemized statement and detailed explanation of your bill.
- You have the right to change primary care physicians or specialists if other qualified physicians are available.
- You have the right to voice concerns about the service and care you receive and register complaints. This includes complaints about waiting times and the conduct of health care personnel.
Your Responsibilities as a Patient
- You are responsible for being open and honest with JCMG about your health history, including all medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) you are taking.
- You are responsible for following the suggestions and advice prescribed in a course of treatment by your health care provider(s).
- You are responsible for asking questions and making sure you understand the instructions given to you.
- You are responsible for keeping appointments and arriving on time.
- You are responsible for following health care facility rules and regulations that apply to your conduct as a patient.
- You are responsible for presenting an insurance identification card prior to receiving health care services, verify that the physician/healthcare facility is an in-network provider, pay any necessary copayment at the time you receive treatment, and be aware of your benefit plan.
- You are responsible to notify your health care provider of demographic updates as well as changes in membership or dependent coverage.
- You are responsible for expressing your concerns to your caregivers in a respectful manner, being considerate of the rights of other patients, and respecting JCMG personnel and property.
- You are responsible for keeping JCMG tobacco- and smoke- free. You may not smoke, use e-cigarettes (vape), or use tobacco products while on JCMG property.
- You are responsible for keeping JCMG a safe environment. You may not bring alcohol, illegal drugs, and/or weapons on JCMG property.