The skilled physicians at JCMG have been taking care of Mid-Missouri employees for more than 20 years. Employees receive immediate access, excellent medical care and are back on the job sooner. Employers save on lost time, hassle with paperwork, and travel expenses. JCMG’s one-stop comprehensive medical campus makes it convenient for employees to quickly take care of their physicals or to be seen due to an injury. From pre-employment or DOT physicals to drug testing to injury care — there’s no need to leave Jefferson City!
If you are interested in learning more about JCMG’s Employer Services, contact Pat Ryan in business development to learn more. We’ll be happy to meet with you and discuss your needs.
Pat Ryan
Provider Recruitment/Business Development
(660) 346-0352
JCMG Express Care is available for all individuals. View locations and hours here.