Gastroenterology (GI) Instructions
We are pleased that you and your physician have chosen the JCMG Outpatient Surgery Center for your upcoming procedure. The staff serving you is professionally trained to provide the highest quality care. We encourage you to ask questions and to let the staff know of your special needs. We want your visit to be as comfortable as possible.
The JCMG Outpatient Surgery Center is a licensed provider for most of the major insurance providers, but you should check your particular plan prior to your procedure to know how your plan pays for procedures performed in an outpatient surgery center. Each plan is different in how they apply deductibles and co-pays. If you have any questions regarding the JCMG Outpatient Surgery Center and insurance coverage please call us at (573) 556-7765. Remember you will receive a bill from your physician for the professional fee; anesthesia fee and a separate bill from the JCMG Outpatient Surgery Center, Inc for a facility fee, (similar to a hospital bill) for the services the facility provides. If you have any biopsies or tissue removed during the procedure there will be a bill for pathology fees.
The JCMG Outpatient Surgery Center is located on the lower level of the JCMG Medical Building. The entrance is on the side of the building that faces Stadium Blvd. There is parking reserved for Outpatient Surgery patients near the building. When you enter the building you will go through two sets of glass doors. The Outpatient Surgery Center reception area is the first door to the right.
Important Instructions
- Review the JCMG information enclosed on Ownership Disclosure, Patient Rights / Responsibility, Advance Directives and Grievance policy, call 573-556-7765 if you have any questions regarding these. Please mail the registration form back in the enclosed postage paid envelope as soon as possible.
- Bring a copy of your current insurance card and photo identification with you.
- Bring a list of all the medications that you are currently taking.
- Follow the pre-procedure instructions that your physician has given to you. Completion of this prep is necessary for a complete and thorough exam. Failure to follow may result in needing to repeat or cancel the procedure.
- You may take your blood pressure or heart medication with a sip of water the morning of the procedure.
- Make arrangements for a responsible adult to drive you home and to be with you at least 6 – 8 hours after the procedure. For your safety you will not be allowed to drive a vehicle or take a cab or OATS bus home after the procedure unless you have an escort with you. If you receive sedation you are not to drive, operate machinery or sign legal documents for the remainder of that day.
- Women of child bearing years, that have not had a sterilization surgery (tubal sterilization, hysterectomy) will need a urine pregnancy test done the day of the procedure. This will be done after you arrive at the Outpatient Surgery Center.
- Your physician’s office will provide you with an arrival time. This is usually one (1) hour prior to the procedure time. This provides us time to have you complete the registration and for the nursing staff to have you ready for the exam.
Please click Colyte Split Dose Bowel Preparation for instructions about how to prepare yourself for a colonoscopy.